Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises - Truth Behind The Sham

It is always intriguing how some people are exalted to the level that any critique about them is received with anger and mindless defence. People lose their reason and whatever sportiness that they have when it comes to defending their demigod. I heard this one incident about one South Indian star Megastar Chiranjeevi. This happened when Chiranjeevi starred in Telugu remake(Shankardada MBBS) of hit Bollywood movie Munnabhai MBBS. Hindi movie had a scene where Jimmy Shergill slaps Sajay Dutt. Makers of Shankardada MBBS wanted to include similar scene in their movie where Chiranjeevi gets slapped by some random dude. Everything would have been Hunky Dory if it weren't for few overzealous fans of Chiranjeevi who objected to the scene. When I say "objected" I mean they went berserk and started vandalizing public properties and other "normal" stuff that goes around in India in case of public unrest. The reason they gave deserves the most ridiculously plain worded reason of all time award. They didn't want to see their Megastar getting slapped on screen!

Chiranjeevi fans - devoid of reasons as always...

I heard about this thing couple of years back and just shrugged it off and let it go as this was just another South Indian movie. But when I saw The Dark Knight Rises(TDKR) yesterday I couldn't help but wonder is this trend of demigod-ifying your favourite actor/director passed on to Hollywood from Tollywood? People have been waiting for TDKR and their have been predictions that its sheer awesomeness might end this world. Well, bad news, it didn't. And the movie sucked too.

No matter how awesome the teaser poster was, the movie sucked!

I don't mean it was the worst movie ever. It was mediocre at best. People wanted to watch the movie that they wanted to watch and not the movie that was shown to them. The movie was unbearably slow and flat out boring but people had already made up their minds about this movie. And with their preconceived notion they "liked" the movie a lot. Not because the movie was good. But because they wanted to "see" a good movie. 

It's like inception of bullshit!

Let's take a look at the movie. It's 164 freaking minutes long! And the length is not the worst part. The slow pace with with movie moves(or rather doesn't move) forward is. Christopher Nolan apparently forgot that he was making a fast paced action masterpiece. Instead we got sluggish mediocre-piece.

Things moving faster than TDKR - a turtle...

The interactions between Michael Cain and Christian Bale were the worst. Especially the part where Cain gets overly emotional and tells Bale about his daily routine where he goes to some shitty restaurant for breakfast and expects to see Bale with some chick across the table. The problem with this scene - 1. It was so over-dramatic that you could smell its smugness from miles away. 2. This scene made the end so predictable and we knew what would happen at the end. Surprise! Surprise! Cain's day-dream comes true.

Michael Cain - smugness level 9000!

Christopher Nolan forgot what made The Dark Knight one of the best movies of all time. It was the main antagonist and how the protagonist handles the whole situation. And what we see in TDKR? We seen Bane. Who is not terrifying and no stranger we should be afraid of. All thanks to the promotional photos that Nolan and gang posted all over the internet.


See what I mean! This is the picture which makes your main villain look less villainy and more cute and cuddly. The kind who you want to hang around with having a good laugh. The same kind of laugh Batman(who is supposed to fight this madman) is having with him at this very exact moment.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

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