Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Singham - चिंगम!

I saw Singham today. Watching Singham was like watching a kid play in the dirt. It was cute. I got a good laugh couple of times. The images of it kept popping in my mind even after I was done watching it and that made me smile. It was predictable throughout its duration and the sheer naivety of it amused me.

The movie starts with some inspector Kadam shooting himself in the head for being accused for false corruption charges. And while he is commiting suicide we come to know what actually happened through the flashback. We come to know who the villain is and how he frames our good cop Kadam. After his death his wife and kid are totally besahara. And that poor poor wife tries to get justice but all is in vain because everyone in Goa is corrupted and is in cahoots with Jaykant Shikre, the main villain!

Now all that is very very sad part. I did not pay my hard earned money to watch some poor inspector's plight. I paid my bucks to watch some dhishum-dhishum. And I had to wait no more as this happened.

At this moment I wish I were deaf so that I would've spared the horror of being subjected to gazillion decibel sound that was around me in the cinema hall at the very moment. The people were clapping, shouting, screaming doing whatever one can do to produce noise from one's body.

The directory didn't miss an opportunity to show what good of a guy Bajeerao Singham is in this title song. There is some very interesting montage in this song which shows how involved Singham was with the villagers.

Like he would help some villager when his bullock cart was stuck

Or the time where he picks up some 8 year old boy who has fallen behind in a running race.

Some of you might call it helping someone who is utterly talent-less in certain field. But I call it being Rohit Shetty and casting Ajay Devgan in the lead role!

You also see this as one of the dancing steps.

One might get confused by this hand gesture. What is he really trying to say by this? Or is choreographer fully aware of the fact that Devgan can't dance at all? Hold on a sec. I am getting something.

No this can't be it!
They show a lion on the movie poster and this looks like...

Correct! That hand gesture certainly looks like imitating lion paws.

He also helps his fellow villager who is in need.

Hold on a second. I forgot to mention a tiny thing that he did before handing over that wad of cash.

He smashes some guy's head with his palm!

Immediately after this song we get to see her.

Before you let your imagination run amok, let me tell you that the small protrusion that you see on the left side of her blouse is in fact ineptness of the dress designer. It's not caused by whatever this blouse is meant to conceal. Trust me. I have analysed every possible pixel in that particular area myself!

She is our protagonist's love interest. There is a very cute story behind how they meet. This one night Kaavya decides to act childish. I am sure she intentionally acts childish and she is not stupid. Or why would a grown up woman like her with very big, huge in fact humongous, perky ... what was I talking about? Oh, her heart! Yes, why would a grown up woman like her would try to scare the villagers wearing a fake mask? It's not like that someone might slap her by accide...


So she decides to take the revenge and slap Singham back. How cute right? So she tries to sneak up on him in a temple.

See! How adorable! There is no way a man can get away with slapping an innocent girl. Now Singham will taste his own medicine. There is only one way this could get better : if Singham bends down and she slaps that poor fellow standing next to him by accide...

Awwww! How cute is that! I thought of it and it really happened!

OK. She failed her first attempt. But she is not a quitter. She will try it again. This time she will try to hit him with a coconut. Cause you know what's the worst that could happen if you get hit on your head by a coconut? It's not like your head is protecting something that we use all the time and which is very delicate... Holy shit! What if Singham gets a brain injury from this and the rest of the movie is some sad Black like story. Somebody stop her.

Oh my god! She has already thrown that deadly coconut right at his head. There is no way she could miss this time. It would be very stupid of Rohit Shetty to use the previously used he-bends-down-and-misses-it trick again...
Is he bending down again?!!


  1. Singham review part II kadhi yet ahe ???

    this one was humorous ...good one

    Description of Kavyaa's childish act was awesome ..

  2. jamalay .... divasendivas best hota chalalet reviews :) sahi hai ... lage raho :)

    what i generally like in ur reviews are the new innovations.. each review is presented differently from the last one .. jada bhari :)

  3. Hilarious..! Loved the cute-story-analysis.

  4. haha wat a review liked it!!.. saw dis movie yesterday on pc ofcourse it totally reminded me of 90's akshay kumar inspector movies.. bwtn wat an obervation dat pawns dance step really hilarious one.. n ineptness of kaavya's blouse was intentional i guess:p..


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