Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Gtalk Woes!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Did you say Mordor?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thinking about It... Loudly!

The internet is full of mysterious things. As you must have heard it for the thousandth time - There is nothing you can't find on internet. A thinking man might register the last sentence differently in his brain. Or at least I did.(My apologies for being so presumptuous to include myself in the elite group of thinking men. But to 'think' of it, I must belong there since I am 'thinking' about it!)

Official mascot of thinking men's group. Or at least I 'think' it should be the one!

Back to the topic - when I said my brain registered the previously mentioned sentence differently I meant my brain totally ignored it.(Congratulations if you have to go back to the previously paragraph to read what the sentence I was talking about! You apparently are a thinking man too!) My thinking brain totally discarded the idea of finding everything on the internet like the idea that you can find everything on the internet!

Damn you internet!!

I didn't realize how much of a big fool I've been not to take that seriously until recently. I'd stumble upon something recently that made me rethink what my brain constitutes as a pithy aphorism and what is utter pile of excreta of a domesticated bovine animal aka bullshit!

Bullshit - pictured here... literally!

This realization came to me when I saw one video. And when I saw this video the realization struck me like a bolt of lightening. I felt like everything happened in a split second. Rationally speaking, it took 2 seconds, which also happens to be the length of the video. Take a look at the video and see it for yourself. Before you go head let me warn you if you are under 13 or a pregnant woman(hopefully not both at the same time!) or have history of weak heart. Be cautious! It won't take more than a minute. Correction - It will take exactly 2 seconds, which is the length of the video.

PS - The creator of this video tries to show the viewer the daunting and totally unnerving task of throwing a dirty sock to the floor!
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