Thursday, February 28, 2013

Zila Ghaziabad - some pondering

In year 2000 when the world was celebrating Y2K a person named Bharat Shah was paying enormous sums of money to vultures(aka lawyers) to save his neck from CBI in a case which would later convict him for his connections with Mumbai underworld. He also happens to be a "diamond merchant" which happens to be just an euphemism for diamond smuggler. He was sent to prison and got out within a year thanks to that sweet sweet moolah that he had stacked up somewhere in his basement.

A casual day at Bharat Shah's house.

And guess what he is doing with the money which now is perhaps 10 folds of what it was 13 years ago? He is producing movies. The kind of movies which are nothing but a cover to convert that backer than डांबर money into whiter than Katrina Kaif money. And the reason to rant about him is to let the world know that I happen to be one of the million idiot pawns who inadvertently fell victim to Mr. Shah's shamefully blatant plan.

Now that the producer's motive is unearthed lets dig deep into the actual two hour and forty four minute long shit storm which would put super storm Sandy to shame when it comes to causing havoc in people's lives. You can also call it "a movie" just because Indian sensor board let the director exercise his right to free speech and allowed the movie to play in the cinema halls all over the India instead of doing the more saner thing of putting a lifetime ban on him just so that the Indian audience would be spared from such debacles of epic proportion. The movie was actually worse than those Ajay Devgn movies which come out every Diwali to part many families from their hard earned money just because they feel that watching a मसाला film together is equivalent of spending some quality family time.

Ajay Devgan. Pictured here : about to put his hand in your pocket to grab your money!

Anyway, there is nothing to say about the story which looks like a C grade version of Gangs of Wasseypur gone horribly wrong even for a C grade movie. Actors looks like किराये के टट्टू who would put bar dancers to shame when it comes to shaking your leg(and possibly few other limbs) for few bucks. Not a single silver lining to this movie. If you want to prank someone then go ahead and let him watch the whole movie alone. I bet that will go really well...
You are welcome!

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