Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Robot revisited II

This is a follow up to my last post.

In my last post I just wrote about one song that made the 'most' sense to me. Has anyone heard that Kilimanjaro song. I was so sure that this song is not in english that when my friend repeatedly told me that this is in Hindi I did not believe a word he said. I was even ready to bet some fair amount of cash on this thing. But I did not. Thank god.

Here is the starting of that song :

किलिमान्जारो लड़की पर्वत की यारो
इसका रूप निहारो यारो यारो
मोहेंजोदारो इसको दिल में उतारो
जंगले जंगले पुकारो यारो यारो

Now tell me if you are subjected to crap like this how would you react? This is insult to the music listeners all over the world. One should find the guy who wrote this thing and beat him in front of everyone right in the middle of the busiest square in town. I mean come on... Even the stupidest guy can write more lucid thing than this. Is there any relation at all between these words? One might get an impression that some one is trying to teach a 5 year old how to pronounce words in Hindi. One needs to tell Mr Kirkire that when you put random words together and if they rhyme then that doesnt make a song. At this point i feel that mere subjecting him to public beating wont do any good. We need to set an example by stoning these kind of people in public. And if ever this is being implemented then I should be the one who gets to cast the first stone, as I have suggested this in the first place. :p

1 comment:

  1. this time i agree ....
    Swanand Kirkire ws at his worst ...


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