Sunday, October 3, 2010

Funny Games(1997)

Whenever i see anyone wearing white golf gloves, it would remind me of Mickey mouse and the sight of which would put a smile on my face. But after watching this movie the mere sight of people wearing white golf gloves would instill fear in my heart(in everyone's heart for that matter, if that person has seen this movie).

The story goes something like this - two bad guys(who are wearing while golf gloves throughout the movie), Paul and Peter enters the house of Georg and Anna and threats the family in every possible sadist way. And finally they kill them all.

But this simple story is accompanied by brilliant direction and some very well crafted dialogues. Its not just usual run of the mill horror/psycho thriller movie. One of the baddies Paul breaks the fourth wall too often through out the movie and 'talks' with the audience, this act of his almost connects you to his mind. At one point in the movie, Anna picks up the gun when Paul is not looking and then shoots Peter. After Peter is dead Paul picks up the tv remote and rewinds the whole scene and in the next run grabs the gun from Anna and prevents Peter's death. Here we come to know of directors real intentions. It brings many question in one's mind(clearly what director wants us to). And we start thinking like Paul.
In the end when Paul and Peter kill the whole family, they talk about the parallel universes and some quantum physics stuff. While their talk is not very comprehensive but it makes one question the idea of morality. Again revealing one of the brilliance of the director.

All the actors have done very impressive job. The character development is very good. We feel pity for Anna and Georg for being victims and at the same time we find bad guys Paul and Peter very interesting. If you need a dose of morality and judgment then its a must watch.

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